Application Driven Data Synchronization between Databases

February 21, 2025


In many applications, it can be advantageous to work with multiple databases. For example, reporting, analytics, or even migrating data between systems may require a multi-database setup. One common scenario - illustrated in this blog - is when advanced search capabilities are needed. In such cases, the primary business operations run on a relational database like PostgreSQL, while a Lucene-based system such as OpenSearch is used to power sophisticated search features like full-text search and relevance ranking.

However, using two databases introduces a new challenge: keeping the data synchronized between them. In our example, PostgreSQL is the primary database, and any write is asynchronously replicated to OpenSearch - making OpenSearch eventually consistent with PostgreSQL. The frequency of synchronization - and the acceptable delay before both systems become consistent - depends on the application’s requirements. Some applications may only need a nightly sync, while others require near-instant replication, which makes the synchronization process more demanding.

A common method to address this challenge is Change Data Capture (CDC). CDC is a technique that detects and tracks incremental changes (inserts, updates, and deletes) in a database and treats these changes as event streams for asynchronous processing. There are various ways to implement CDC, each with its own complexities and infrastructure needs.

In certain cases, however, handling synchronization at the application layer might be a better choice. By managing data replication within the application, you can avoid the overhead of setting up specialized CDC infrastructure - such as connectors, message brokers, or log-parsing tools - and incorporate complex data manipulation tasks before indexing in OpenSearch. This approach is particularly attractive when you only need to sync data from one or two tables, and you wish to keep your technology stack simple while maintaining robust, timely synchronization.

This blog post will focus on implementing application-driven synchronization in a Spring Boot Java application. We will discuss strategies for handling potential data inconsistencies and provide a practical example that minimizes complexity while ensuring fast and reliable data replication between PostgreSQL and OpenSearch.

When and how to sync to OpenSearch?

When deciding when and how to sync data to OpenSearch, you might initially consider using JPA entity lifecycle events - such as @PostPersist, @PostUpdate and @PostRemove - to trigger the synchronization directly. However, this approach is problematic because these events can be fired not only after a transaction commits but also after a flush, which does not guarantee a committed state. If the transaction later rolls back, you’d need to detect that and reverse the change in OpenSearch, which can quickly become very complex.

To ensure that synchronization to OpenSearch only occurs after a successful transaction commit, it is best to employ the Transactional Outbox Pattern. In this pattern, during a business transaction that writes to PostgreSQL, an additional record is inserted into an outbox table to capture the event. A separate process then consumes these events and performs the corresponding update in OpenSearch. This ensures that even if the application crashes immediately after commit, events can be retried on restart.

In our Spring Boot application, we can leverage Spring Modulith’s event-handling support. When saving an entity that needs to be replicated, we publish an event via Spring’s ApplicationEventPublisher. With Spring Modulith’s JPA integration, this event is recorded in an event publication table within the same transaction. Once the transaction commits, the event listener is invoked to update OpenSearch. To handle cases where the application crashes after commit, setting the property spring.modulith.republish-outstanding-events-on-restart to true (or using the IncompleteEventPublications interface) ensures that any pending events are retried. Note that marking an event as complete happens in a separate transaction, which can lead to the same event being processed more than once, following the "at least once" semantics. Consequently, it is important to design your OpenSearch write operations to be idempotent.


Sending Replication Events

The Java service class below illustrates how to save an entity and publish a corresponding event within a transactional method, making also use of Spring Modulith’s event publication registry. In this design, the event is published only after the transaction successfully commits; if the transaction is rolled back, no event is emitted. Additionally, in the background but within the transaction, an entry is inserted into the event_publication table to track the event.

</> Java
public class EntityNameService {

    private final EntityNameRepository entityNameRepository;
    private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;

    public void save(EntityName entity) {
        EntityName savedEntity =;


        return savedEntity;

Although this approach ensures that events are only published after a successful transaction commit, replicating explicit event publication in every service class that performs write operations can become both cumbersome and error-prone. Developers must remember to invoke event publication after each write operation, which introduces the risk of inconsistencies if an event is accidentally omitted.

To address this, we can apply the Delegate Pattern to encapsulate event publication within the repository layer itself. This allows services to continue using a standard repository interface without needing to be aware of event handling. By wrapping the default JPA repository with a custom implementation, we can inject additional behavior - such as event publishing - without modifying business logic in service classes. This abstraction keeps event management centralized, improving maintainability and reducing duplication.

The implementation below demonstrates this approach. Initially, we define a standard JPA repository that provides default methods such as save and saveAll:

</> Java
public interface EntityNameRepository extends JpaRepository<EntityName, Long> {

Since the intention is not to use Spring’s default implementation of the repository but rather a custom one, a custom class implementing this interface is created. To ensure that this implementation is selected over the default, it is annotated with @Primary. In this custom implementation, the Spring Data JPA repository is injected as a delegate alongside the ApplicationEventPublisher for event handling. When implementing the interface methods, the operation is first delegated to the JPA repository, and then an appropriate event is published by passing the affected entity identifier(s).

</> Java
public class ReplicatingEntityNameRepository implements EntityNameRepository {
    private final EntityNameRepository delegate;
    private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;

    public <S extends EntityName> S save(S entity) {
        S savedEntity =;
        return savedEntity;

    // Other methods ...

One potential issue with this approach arises when using cascading write operations in JPA. Handling cascading operations in JPA can be challenging because tracking changes across related entities is inherently complex. For example, if a parent entity is configured to cascade persistence operations to its child entities (using configurations such as CascadeType.PERSIST or CascadeType.MERGE), the custom repository - designed to intercept explicit save calls - does not automatically trigger event publication for these cascaded operations. In general, cascading introduces an additional layer of complexity, and you would need to implement extra checks within your repository to ensure that all related entities trigger the appropriate event synchronization.

Event Consumption

When handeling the consumption of such an event, it is crucial to carefully consider all possible edge cases and potential issues. If not handled correctly, the databases could fall out of sync, possibly without the developer's awareness. The following example illustrates a naive approach that fails to address these complexities:

</> Java
public void on(SaveEntityNameEvent event) {
        .ifPresent(entity ->;

Let's begin by examining the key requirements for performing a write operation to OpenSearch via the OpenSearch repository. Ensuring that write operations to OpenSearch are idempotent is necessary as stated earlier. This can be achieved by using the same identifier in both OpenSearch and the PostgreSQL entity, and by utilizing idempotent HTTP methods like PUT /index/_doc/{id} or DELETE /index/_doc/{id} when interacting with OpenSearch. The PUT operation is inherently idempotent because OpenSearch processes it as an upsert - either inserting the data if the document with a given ID doesn't exist, or updating the existing document if it already does. Caution should be exercised with partial updates, as they might not be idempotent in all scenarios.

In addition to the need for idempotent operations, several design challenges must be addressed. For example, consider situations where the OpenSearch save call fails, or the JPA database operation encounters problems such as database inaccessibility. In the current design, exceptions arising in these cases are not handled, potentially leading to inconsistent states. To reduce these risks, it is recommended to implement a retry mechanism, such as via the RetryTemplate provided by Spring, and to wrap the entire method in a try-catch block to manage situations where retry limits are reached. In the event of failure after retries, proper notification should be sent to the developer - whether through error logs, metric alerts, or other predefined notification channels based on the application’s alerting strategy.

Further considerations arise when the application crashes during the transaction process. In such cases, replication to OpenSearch will also fail. After the application is restarted, the event will be reprocessed automatically, but only if the spring.modulith.republish-outstanding-events-on-restart configuration is set to true (or custom code that handles reprocessing on startup is implemented). An adjusted method would look like this:

</> Java
public void on(SaveEntityNameEvent event) { 
    try { 
        Optional<EntityName> entity = retryTemplate.execute(context -> 

        entity.ifPresent(e -> 
            retryTemplate.execute(context -> {
                return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Add alert or similiar, data stores are out of sync.

With these precautions, connection failures are effectively managed. However, race conditions remain a potential issue, where the order of operations in PostgreSQL might differ from the order in which events are consumed. This can lead to several scenarios:

  1. Concurrent Updates: When two updates occur concurrently on the same entity in PostgreSQL, the transaction that completes last will overwrite the previous changes if no locking mechanism is in place. Consequently, two events are dispatched, and it is possible for one update to prevail over the other when persisting data to OpenSearch, leading to inconsistencies between the two data stores. Note that simply fetching the entity from the JPA repository during event consumption does not guarantee an atomic save. If a new transaction commits after the data is fetched but before the update to OpenSearch is completed, the older data might be written, causing a sync issue. One solution is to enforce strict sequential processing of events - for example, using a FIFO queue - though this can reduce throughput. Alternatively, implementing database locking mechanisms, such as optimistic locking via a version attribute (using Spring’s @Version support), can prevent concurrent update conflicts by causing the later update to fail if it attempts to modify stale data.
  2. Update Before Insert: In theory, an update event could be processed before the document is inserted into OpenSearch. This scenario is generally not problematic because OpenSearch’s upsert operation will insert the document if it does not exist, or update it if it does.
  3. Delete Before Insert/Update: There is also the possibility that a delete operation is processed before an insert or update operation. In the deletion case, the event consumer directly issues a delete command to OpenSearch using the provided identifier, without fetching data from PostgreSQL. If an insert or update occurs later, the subsequent data fetch from PostgreSQL ensures that no incorrect reinsertion happens. However, if your events carry the full data payload rather than just identifiers, additional measures might be necessary. One approach is to implement soft deletion, where records are not physically removed but are marked as deleted via a flag. In this case, delete operations become update operations that set the deletion flag, thereby avoiding synchronization issues.

Addressing these challenges is essential for creating a robust and reliable replication process. It is important to note that the current solution assumes a single-instance application; additional considerations may be required in a replicated environment.

Handeling Replication

In a distributed system, it can be advantageous to use an external message queue to offload event dissemination. This approach ensures that data updates are reliably transmitted even when multiple instances are saving data simultaneously. Spring Modulith facilitates this by enabling the publication of events to a variety of message brokers - such as Kafka, AMQP, or SQS - using built-in abstractions. However, because sending an event now involves a network call rather than an in-memory operation, additional challenges arise. If the call to the broker fails, robust error handling and retry mechanisms must be implemented to guarantee eventual delivery of the event. On the consumption side, the built-in idempotency and at-least-once delivery semantics help ensure reliable processing. In cases where errors persist, integrating constructs like dead-letter queues will further safeguard the system by capturing and managing problematic messages.


With this solution, synchronization becomes robust without the need to resort to CDC techniques - resulting in a clean and maintainable implementation. The only scenario in which data might fall out of sync is if the retry mechanism for external systems ultimately fails. For these rare cases, it is advisable to have a manual synchronization job available. This job can identify discrepancies between databases - for instance, by comparing hashes - and then generate the necessary write operations to reconcile the differences, ensuring data consistency even under extended failure conditions.